Culture Talks with Linell Greene

Linell Greene is a Devoted Girl Dad to two beautiful daughters. He is a motivational advocate for Fatherhood and Founder of the brand, Happy With Daddy. Happ...

Linell Greene is a devoted Girl Dad to two beautiful daughters. He is a motivational advocate for Fatherhood and Founder of the brand, Happy With Daddy. Happy With Daddy is a platform to celebrate and encourage fathers everywhere to be active in their children’s lives. With a MISSION to encourage fathers to become dads, to celebrate the joys of fatherhood, to motivate men to play a crucial role in the upbringing of their children and to help dads change the narrative of how fatherhood is viewed in our society today.

Connect with Linell:
Happy with Daddy
Linell Greene
Happy with Daddy
Happy with Mommy

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Rebecca Muñoz
Founder & Curator
Cultured Society